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Affordable tickets to I love Kuopio Festival and KalPa’s Super Saver games at ISYY’s Kuopio campus office

Affordable tickets to I love Kuopio Festival and KalPa’s Super Saver games can be purchased at ISYY’s Kuopio campus office.

I love Kuopio Festival

I love Kuopio Festival on 15.11.2013 at 19.00 have top performers: Cheeck, Jenni Vartiainen and Henrik Tonni!

Student tickets only 25 euros. Tickets for terraces C5 (standing places).

You must show your student card when purchasing the ticket AND when entering the event.

KalPa’s Superaver home games

Student tickets for KalPa’s Supersaver home games for season 2013–2014 cost only 5 €!

Thurs 17.10. at 18.30 KALPA-LUKKO
Tue 29.10. at 18.30 KALPA-HPK

Thurs 5.12. at 18.30 KALPA-PELICANS

Thurs 23.1. at 18.30 KALPA-ÄSSÄT
Tue 28.1. at 18.30 KALPA-LUKKO

Tue 4.2. at 18.30 KALPA-SAIPA
Tue 25.2. at 18.30 KALPA-HPK

The price includes handling charges by Lippupalvelu. You must present your student card when purchasing the ticket and entering the games.

All Supersaver games have a table hockey tour at yläpesä starting at 17.30!


Tickets are available at ISYY’s Kuopio campus office. Please note, that you can only pay by cash!


Published on 30.9.2013