What's on


18.2.2014 Kuopio Sports Afternoon

The Sports Afternoon is a biannual event organised by the Student Union. The purpose of the Sports Afternoon is to give our students an opportunity to try new sports for a very affordable price (or for free) and to get everyone moving at least for one afternoon per semester. There will be no teaching after 12.15 pm so everyone is able to take part – and we recommend you do!

There is a great choice of activities, the list of which is below. Once you have chosen what you would like to do, please remember to book yourself a place (instructions on how to book next to each activity description). Registration for the activities begins on Mon 27.1.2014 at 12.00. The activities organised outside the university premises must be booked by 4 pm on 10.2. but we recommend you book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment – these activities tend to fill up fast.

The Sports Afternoon are for everyone to enjoy and we really hope to see you at some of the activities!

Sports Afternoon

Note! Registration for the activities begins on Mon 27.1.2014 at 12.00.

At Studentia:

Sports hall:
– at 12.15–12.55 uninstructed floorball
Registration (form in Finnish):

Sections 1 & 2:
– at 13.00–13.45 aerobic class (easy)
Core class, focus on middle section of the body and neck and shoulders.
Registration (form in Finnish):

Sections 1 & 2:
– at 14.00–14.45 aerobic class (intense)
Focus on thighs and bottom also a cardio exercise.
Registration (form in Finnish):

– at 15.00–15.45 aerobic class: stretching
Body Balance class
Registration (form in Finnish):

Section 3:
– at 13.00–14.30 uninstructed volleyball
Registration (form in Finnish):

– at 14.30–16.00 uninstucted basketball
Registration (form in Finnish):

Studentia and Snellmania gyms can be used between 12.15.–16.00.

Sports activities on other locations:

Note! Registration to the activities begins on Mon 27.1. and ends on 10.2. at 4 pm or when the groups are full.

Downhill skiing
In Kasurila at 13.00–16.00
3 h ticket for the time costs 13 e/piece. Tickets will be bought to everyone as a bunch.
Tickets can be used from 1 pm to 4 pm.
Skiing equipment (ski boots, skis and poles) for the time cost 13 e/set.
Buss transportation to Kasurila. The bus ride costs 10 e / there and back.
In order for the transportation to be organised, min. 25 persons must have enrolled for the bus. The bus leaves in front of Snellmania at 12.15 and returns from Kasurila at 16.30.
Registration is binding (form in Finnish):

Bowl D1ners at 12.15–16.00
12 e/alley, shoes are included in the price.
Max 8 persons for one alley.
Registrations by phone.
Location and contact information:
Ajurinkatu 16, 70110 Kuopio
Viihdekeskus Iso Cee
+358 50 513 3300

Pole dancing
Ready Set Pole
Vuorikatu 3

– At 12–13 Pole dancing/ 20 participants.
Registration (form in Finnish):

– At 13.15–14.15 Pole dancing/20 participants
Registration (form in Finnish):

Price: 3 e/person

Location: Niirala swimming hall, 2 tracks 5 & 6
Price: 2e/person
Adults 5,20 € time / discount groups 3,60 € time
Swimming time 2,5 h.

– At 12.30–13.00 Hydrobics at the low end, max. 20 participants
Registration (form in Finnish):

– At 13.15–13.45 Hydrobics with a belt at the deep end, max. 25 participants
Registration (form in Finnish):

Skiing with colleagues.
Skiing route maps:

Skating on Kallavesi
You can rent speed skates 10e/h from boat called “Luistelukahvila” of m/s Queen R-ship.
Length of the track is 1 KM, 4 KM and 7,5 KM.
There are coffee and hot chocolade available in the terrace of m/s Queen R –ship.

– timetable:  14.30 – 16.00
– Place: Männistön nuorisotalon tilat (Kuopion sirkuksen tilat), Kalevalankatu 16, 70500 Kuopio
– Price: 10€
–  Warm up, body maintenance, acrobatics and instruction other circusactivities.
–  Registerate here: https://elomake.uef.fi/lomakkeet/7923/lomake.html



The wintery event Winterfest 14 brings together Kuopio higher education students at Savilahti to have fun on Tue 18.2.2014. Winterfest starts at 12.00 in Savilahti with ice fishing and snow footboll. The team competition starts at 2 pm and ends at 6 pm. The evening continues at Apteekkari and the afterparties will be celebrated at Puikkari.

Participants will be offered a free non-stop buss transportation between the city centre and Savilahti from 2 pm to 7 pm.


More info and registration: Winterfest 2014


Published on 22.1.2014