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141 candidates in the Elections of the Council of Representatives for the Student Union (ISYY)

Candidates in the Elections of the Council of Representatives for the Student Union (ISYY) have now been published. This year, the elections have altogether 141 candidates and 11 lists of candidates. The number of candidates is somewhat smaller than in last elections in 2011 when there were 204 candidates.

The list with the highest number of candidates is Oikeat with 32 persons. New lists of candidates include Perussuomalaiset with 2 candidates and Tieteen ja kulttuurin tukijat with 1 candidate.

This autumn’s elections are third elections in ISYY’s history. Advance voting takes place on 28.10.–1.11.2013 and the actual election days are 5.–6.11.2013. Elected people form the highest decision-making organ in the Student Union which serves the members and acts as a link and supervisor of their interests. The Council of Representatives has 39 members.

All members of the student union who have registered present at the university before 21.10. are eligible voters. Voters will receive a personal link by email before the advance election starts. The voting is done electronically via the link.

Number of candidates per list 2013:

Demariopiskelijat: 13
Fortis: 8 (independent)
Itä-Suomen vihreä vasemmisto: 29
Keskeiset: 13
KuoLO: 17 (independet)
Oikeat: 32
Perussuomalaiset: 2
Preemio: 2 (independent)
Puolueettomat: 13 (independent)
Tieteen ja kulttuurin tukijat: 1
Vihreä lista: 11

More information:

Janne Mertanen, Secretary of the Central Election Committee, tel. 044 576 8417, paasihteeri@isyy.fi

Read more:

Candidates in ISYY’s elections website
Information in English about the elections

Published on 9.10.2013