What's on


The Fairtrade Week is here from October 22 to 26

Fairtrade is about local sustainability, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. UEF has a Fairtrade certification and just like ISYY, UEF serves coffee and tea that’s been Fairtrade certificated.

Bring your own cup and get – 20 % off the price of a cup of Fairtrade certification coffee.

On Wednesday 24 October from 10.30 to 13.00, Fazer brings Fairtrade certificated products to Carelia and Snellmania.

During the Fairtrade Week, you can come across a giant banana on the campus. Take a selfie with the banana and post it on the comment section of Fazer’s Fairtrade Week’s post. Best picture wins a bag full of Fairtrade products!

Love to cook or bake? Share your recipe with at least 3 Fairtrade certificated ingredients with Fazer. Send the recipe to one of the emails underneath. The winner gets one month of free lunches at one of the campus restaurants.


Follow the event on social media by using the hastags #erittäinreiluuef2018 ja # reilunkaupanreseptikilpailu201 8.