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ISYY Representative Council’s meeting on 8.12.2017

The last meeting (7/2017) of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland’s current Representative Council will be held at Joensuun Campus at AU100 on Friday 8.12.2017 starting from 6 pm. The current Representative Council will, among other things, discuss the plan of action and financial statements for the year 2017.

After the meeting, the new Representative Council will have its first meeting (1/2018) where it will elect the Council’s chairpersons and ISYY’s Executive Board for the year 2018.

The meetings are open for all Student Union members. The meeting will also be streamed live.

Notice of the current Representative Council’s meeting and the new Representative Council’s meeting can be found on ISYY’s website.

Link for the live stream

More information:

ISYY: Meeting notices
ISYY: Kokouskutsut


Pyry Mattila, Chairperson of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, epj@isyy.fi, tel. +358 44 576 8406

Anna-Kristiina Mikkonen, Secretary General, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, paasihteeri@isyy.fi, tel. + 358 44 576 8417

Updated on 4.12.2017 at 11:40