The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland
The Development Cooperation Week is a project, organised in cooperation between SYL and student unions, which aims to further students’ knowledge about development cooperation. The theme for the Development Cooperation Week in 2016 will be the post‐2015 Development Agenda, meaning the 2030 Agenda.
Coordinators will work in a coordination group set up by SYL alongside other appointed student union members. The task of the group will be to coordinate the planning and implementation of the theme week. The upcoming educational meeting will take place on 14–15 March 2016. Attending these meetings is crucial.
The lead coordinator’s duties will be to oversee the planning of the theme week on all campuses in collaboration with the local coordinators, and to be responsible for the theme week on the whole. Duties of the lead coordinator will involve actively engaging with the coordinating group, regularly contacting the development cooperation partners, and keeping student union members informed of the events. Five (5) events will be organised on each campus.
Coordinators will assemble a working group consisting of students who will plan and organise the local theme weeks in cooperation with the coordinator and local coordinators. They will also produce content for the events. Local coordinators will lead the working groups on their campuses. Local coordinators and their working groups will also be primarily responsible for the implementation of the theme week on their local campuses. In addition, local coordinators will report to the lead coordinator, who will draw up the final report for SYL.
Work on planning the project and contacting the various involved parties will commence immediately. The work on the project will continue until the end of the year when the theme week is held and the reports are submitted. Coordinators are required to be fluent in Finnish and English. Prior experience in project work, communications, development cooperation or leading a group will also be considered valuable assets.
Working as a coordinator will offer an excellent opportunity to gain experience on development cooperation, project management, handling communications tasks and leading a group. The Executive Board member in charge of development cooperation related matters, theme week working groups, other ISYY coordinators and the national coordination group will all assist the coordinators in their work.
(Gross) Pay will be awarded as follows:
Lead Coordinator: € 830
Local Coordinator: € 630
Application letters should be emailed with the title “Kehykoordinaattorihaku” to by
12:00, 19 Feb 2016.
More information:
Isaac Adaam, Executive Board member in charge of development cooperation 2016,
Piia Tiainen, Executive Board member in charge of development cooperation 2015,