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TalentBoost Kick-Off Event

19.09.2019 - 19.09.2019 |Kuopio

#TalentBoost is all about networking international talents and company representatives. #TalentBoost is making visible the talent that we have in our region and the opportunities the companies have to offer. This is now true also in Kuopio region!

Come to hear experiences from companies that have hired international talents and meet the talents during speed meeting hour! There will be a MessiLive.fi -broadcast from 2.30p.m till 3p.m. about hiring international talents that you can follow at the event and participate by posting questions via chat regarding the theme. Talents can also make their own pitching video during the event.

Event is free of charge, registration required.

WHEN? 19th September 2019 at 14-16

WHERE? Sokos Puijonsarvi Hotel, Puikkari Lime Conference room, Minna Canthin katu 16