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Student’s Valentine’s Day event at the Kuopio Market Square

14.02.2024 - 14.02.2024 |Kuopio

In Kuopio Market Square will be organised a Valentine's Day event 14 February at 18-19. At the same time the Finnish Public Service Media Company YLE will be their “Winter City of the Year” (Kuopio) content. They will be waiting for a lot of students to join the event! 

During the event in the Market Square there will be music, sled hill, short ski jumping, overall patches on sale, and a Student’s Snow Sculpting Competition. Welcome!

The event is organised by City of Kuopio, Kuopion kaupunkikeskustan kehittämisyhdistys ry, SAVOTTA, ISYY, Kuopio-Tahko Marketing and The Finnish Public Service Media Company YLE.

Want to join the Snow Sculpting Competition? 

The competition will be conducted in teams ( 3-5 members/team).

  • The competition starts at 16:30 and lasts approximately 3 hours.
  • Teams should be actively working on their snow sculpture between 18-19 (during this time, there is a Valentine's Day student event at the Market Square).
  • The sculpting block is a 1.5m x 1.5m cube of snow.
  • Sculpting tools will be provided by the organisers.
  • The theme of the snow sculpting competition is Valentine's Day.
  • The sculpture must adhere to good manners and not be offensive.
  • The team creating the best snow sculpture will be rewarded with a €200 restaurant gift card.

On Monday, 12.2., at 15:00, there will be an information session for the teams about the snow sculpting competition. At least one representative from each team must attend. The info session will be held at the Savonia UAS Microkatu Campus in the campus heart (Microkatu 1, D-wing, 1st floor).

Registrate your team for the competition

Only the first 6 teams to register will be accepted. The form is owned by SAVOTTA.

Google Forms, opens in a new tab: Registrate a team for the Student's Snow Sculpting Competition