What's on

Pre-laskiainen 2019

27.02.2019 - 27.02.2019 |Kuopio

Shrovetide (Laskiainen) is coming! Haven’t you had a chance to ride a sled? Have you eaten any Shrove buns yet? Would you like to accomplish some tasks in a nice wintery weather?

If you said yes, you should join Retikka’s event called Pre-Laskiainen!

The event takes place at Valkeinen (in Niirala) on Wednesday 27th February at 5 pm. There will be some tasks to accomplish, snow sliding, Shrove buns and warm juice. For a few extra euros, you’ll be able to make your own unique Shrove bun! Do you like yours with almond paste, jam or maybe with chocolate sauce and marshmallows?

Get your overalls or any warm clothing on, and take your sled or snow glider (or any other tool that you can slide with) with you, and join us! There will also be some sleds to borrow, if you don’t have your own.

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