What's on

Movie night in Kuopio

24.03.2022 - 24.03.2022 |Kuopio

As a cultural experience for the early spring, the BRIDGES project will host movie nights in both campus cities in Joensuu and Kuopio!

The movie night in Kuopio will be organized in cooperation with the Hyvät Kuvat film club in Kino Kuvakukko on Thu 24.3. at 5.30 pm. The Finnish comedy Peruna (2021) will be shown during the night. The movie is in Finnish with English subtitles. There is no registration in advance.

The movie nights are open to all UEF students and participation is free. Food and drinks are at your own expense. If you wish, you can also put on overalls.


Read more:

Isyy.fi/en, opens in a new window: The BRIDGES movie nights in March!

More information:

Riina Pääkkönen, The BRIDGES Coordinator, riina.paakkonen(at)isyy.fi, tel. +358 44 491 6529