What's on

ISYY Sports Afternoon Afterparty

04.10.2023 - 05.10.2023 |Joensuu

The UEF, Karelia UAS and Savonia UAS joint Sports Afternoon on 4 October culminates in the ISYY official afterparty, which starts at 10 PM at Bar Bepop (Siltakatu 8, 80100 Joensuu). Lord Est will entertain the afterparty crowd. Tickets are available in advance on Kide.app. The advance ticket includes the official Sports Afternoon overall badge. Please notice that there is a limited amount of advance tickets. Both advance tickets and the tickets at the door cost 4 euros. The price of the ticket does not include the cloakroom fee at Bepop.

Read more:

isyy.fi, opens in a new tab: ISYY's afterparty at Bar Bepop wraps up Sports Afternoon on 4.10.

Kide.app, opens in a new tab: Sports Afternoon Joensuu 4.10.2023

Further information:

Niklas Leinonen, Service Planner, The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, vapaa-aika(at)isyy.fi, tel. 044 576 8418