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ISYY's newsletter: Weekly Feed Joensuu Week 21/2024

Tue May 21 13:46:04 2024

ISYY's newsletter: Weekly Feed Week 21/2024


ISYY's newsletter: Weekly Feed Joensuu Week 21/2024

21.5. - 27.5.2024

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Is your exchange ending and you want to get rid of unnecessary kitchenware you might have accumulated during your exchange? You can donate your unwanted glasses, mugs, plates, kitchen utensils, pots and pans to the Student Union!  We'll use them to make more Survival Packages for the next incoming exchange students. Please note that we accept only items that are clean and still usable so please do not donate anything broken. 

Have a great week!

Kind regards,
Coordinator of International Affairs 



Office opening hours during summer and last Weekly Feed

ISYY offices will be having a summer holiday 13.6.-2.8.2024 and will be back at your service after holidays on Monday 5 August. Before the holidays we will be at your service according to the following:

  • until 30 May according to opening hours 
  • 3.-12.6. only by appointment, please contact office staff by phone or via email

The last newsletter of the spring will be published on Tuesday 28 May. The firts letter of the autumn will be published on Tuesday 13 August.

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Remember to return your Survival Package on 7 June 2024 at the latest! 

You can return your Survival Package any day before the deadline within ISYY office opening hours, or on Friday 7 June between 9 am and 2 pm.  Please note that the ISYY office is open normally until Thu 30 May, and between 3 June and 12 June only by appointment. 



When you return the package make sure that:

  • all items listed in the pink slip are inside the box

  • the items are clean and dry
  • the box is clean

We will give you back your 30€ deposit in cash when you return your Survival Package if all the items are inside the box and intact. If there are any broken or missing items, the box is broken or items are dirty/no longer usable, the deposit will not be returned completely.

If you have any questions, send an email to kv.joensuu(at)isyy.fi


Save the date: autumn events

Summer is soon here and now it is a good time to save some event dates to your calendar for autumn 2024. Below you can find a list of ISYY events that we already know at the moment. The best way to keep up with our events is to follow our newsletters and our event calendar on our website.

Autumn dates for Joensuu:

  • SYKETTÄ Joensuu Appro and free sports trial 1.-14.9.
  • Academic Year Kick-off: 
    • Academic Year Kick-off event at the Joensuu City Market Place
    • City Orienteering and After Party
  • Sober Bingo & Disco, Joensuu, Kerubi, 18.9.
  • Tour de Itä-Suomi Cycling Event in Joensuu 22.9. 
  • Wellbeing Week 30.9.-4.10.
  • Sports Afternoon 2.10.
  • Association Days 8.-9.10. in Joensuu
  • Independence Day Torch Parade 6.12.

New Student Calendars will be ready to be collected during August!

We at ISYY are working on the next Student Calendar which is a sure sign of summer. The new cover of next year's calendar will be published very soon in our social media channels.

Follow our communication channels, so that you'll be the first one to hear, when the calendars are ready to be collected from our offices. We'll publish the information on our website, Facebook, Instagram and Yammer. And, of course, in the Weekly Feed. The first newsletters will be published on Tuesday 13 August.



European Elections take place in June!

The European elections take place in Finland on 9 June 2024. The advance voting period is from 29 May to 4 June 2024 in Finland and from 29 May to 1 June 2024 abroad.

You can follow Finnish higher education students EU Election campaign on Instagram: @opiskelijaneu

You can find all the information on how to vote either in your home country or in Finland from the following websites:


You can find the advance polling stations in Finland from the page of Finnish Ministry of Justice: Advance Polling Stations

During the advance voting you can vote in Joensuu campus, Carelia Lobby, 29.-31.5. from 10 am to 5 pm and 3.-4.6. from 10 am to - 6 pm.

Are you a citizen of another EU country, living in Finland and want to vote in the EU elections in Finland? Citizens of other EU countries who wish to vote in Finland should have registered in the Finnish electoral register by 21 March 2024 before 16:00. If you have not done the registration by 21 March, you must vote in your home country. You can read more from the site of Finnish DVV:  DVV - European Elections.



Kilometrikisa cycling competition

Kilometrikisa is a light-hearted cycling competition for workplaces, departments, associations, clubs or any other teams. The aim is to encourage bicycle commuting and promote everyday cycling. Kilometrikisa will be held between 1.5.-30.9.2024.

In Kilometrikisa every team member will record their cycling kilometers and the team with the highest number of kilometers will win. All UEF and Karelia UAS staff members and students are welcome to attend SYKETTÄ Joensuu team!


Follow these instructions:
1. Join team at: kilometrikisa.fi
2. Fill in your personal information
3. Choose the campus code below:

Team name: SYKETTÄ Joensuu
Participation code: syketta-kesa24

Join our team as we aim for the new record!

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Pivo will be closed down on Sep 4th 2024

Pivo and Pivo’s student card will be closed down on Sep 4th, 2024. You can use Pivo’s student card normally until then. Make sure to activate another student card, e.g. Frank App, for the academic year 2024–2025.

You can see your information in Pivo until 3.9.2024. Do the payments, accept the payment orders and open open expenses no later than 3.9.2024. Pivo also recommends you to take out the information of possible open payment orders and open expenses in groups, so that you won't lose the information. If you don't have open expenses or student card in Pivo, you don't need to do anything.

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Oppari opening hours during summer 2024


  • Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday 10-15
  • Wednesday 10-18
  • Saturday closed


  • Thursday 20.6.2024 10-13
  • Friday 21.6.2024 closed


  • Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday 10-16
  • Wednesday 10-18
  • Saturday closed

Starting 2.9.2024

  • Normal opening hours

Library services during the summer

Joensuu Campus Library opening hours 1.6.–31.8.

  • Monday–Tuesday 8–16 (Customer Service 10–16) 
  • Wednesday 8–18 (Customer Service 10–18) 
  • Thursday–Friday 8–16 (Customer Service 10–16) 
  • Saturday–Sunday closed
  • The Library 24/7 self-study facilities are open normally.

Midsummer opening hours

  • Thursday 20.6. customer service is open 10–13 (Kuopio and Joensuu: the doors will open at 8), chat is open 10–13 
  • Friday 21.6. customer service and chat are closed
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Free tickets to Joensuun Maila baseball game!

Joensuun Maila will play their next regular season game on Wednesday, May 22, starting at 6:00 PM, when they host the team from Tampere, Manse PP. This exciting match is also the 2024 season's student and school game, where students can attend for free with a valid student ID card.

Students can pick up their tickets in advance with their student ID card from Joensuun Maila's pop-up shop on the first floor of the Metropol shopping center. The shop is open Monday to Friday from 10 AM to 3 PM.

Tickets can also be obtained before the game from the ticket office at Bolt Stadium. The gates to the event will open at 5 PM.


Make your voice heard! Survey to develop Joensuu's museum services 

In April 2024, Joensuu museums began a youth and young adult outreach project called MuseoNEXUS. The aim of the project is to map out the focus group’s thoughts about museums and their services, and to use that data to further develop museum services to meet the needs of a variety of customer bases.

The results from the project will be seen in the new North Karelian museum, opening in 2025.

The project coordinator (and his rat) thanks you in advance.

You can fill in the survey form the link below: 




Nyyti's Chats

Nyyti’s Chat is a place for sharing thoughts, feelings and experiences. This group chat is meant for all students over the age of 18. Chat is anonymous. There will always be Nyyti’s volunteers or employees at the chat with you. Always remember to behave according to the principles for a safer space. 

Feel free to come along, don’t worry about spelling or fluency – the most important thing is to be involved! 

Chats in English on Tuesdays  from 6 to 8 pm:

Tue 28.5. Can I find my position in working life?
Tue 11.6. From dystopias to utopias




Chess Rapid Tournament (24.5.)

The ISYY Chess Club - Joensuu is organizing the 'End of semester' tournament of the year! The time format is rapid, 10 minutes + 5 seconds. It will take place in Natura Restaurant area on Friday, 24.05., at 17:00. Y

ou can come to play, or just watch and hang out with us, and get in touch with the university chess community of Joensuu! There will be snacks and coffee available for players and other spectators/visitors. 

If you want to play register from the link below:


Kesän avaus - summer opening event (24.5-25.5.)

On Friday and Saturday, May 24-25, Joensuu Market Square will host the Summer Opening event, marking the beginning of the summer season in North Karelia!

During this two-day market event, our regional tourism operators, North Karelian villages, and numerous tourist destinations with their activities, businesses, summer theaters, and events will be presenting themselves.

Opening Hours:

  • Friday, May 24, from 10 am to 6 pm
  • Saturday, May 25, from 10 am to 4 pm



Global Friday (24.5.)

Joensuun Setlementti organises Global Friday, an international meeting place activity. At Global Friday you can get to know new people and cultures, express your own culture in the way you want or just enjoy being together.

Global Friday is an activity open to everyone and free of charge, which takes place every Friday from 5 to 8pm in the Tupa space of Joensuun Setlementti. Our Tupa is located in our premises at Siltakatu 10 A 13, 5th floor (access by stairs and lift).

The activity supervisors plan the activities together with the visitors based on their ideas and needs

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Salsa del Este: Salsa by the Pier

Social dancing : Laiturisalsat (’salsa at the pier’) start again on Wednesday 5th of June. We continue the Laiturisalsa season until 28th of August. Salsa by the pier is located on the pier next to Suvantosilta bridge. So welcome to join by the river every Wednesday at 6-8p.m.! 


facebook event



Sinkkola animal farm opens on Tuesday 21 May

Sinkkola domestic animal farm opens for the summer on Tuesday 21 May! The animal farm and cafe are open Tue-Sat 9 am - 5 pm. You can also visit the area outside opening hours. Sinkkola houses pigs, sheep, rabbits, goats, chickens and a rooster. The animals are all outside during opening hours, but are moved indoors later in the evening. 

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Voluntary Weeding in Joensuu

Local nature association Joensuun seudun luonnonystävät organize voluntary weeding of Himalayan balsam in 8 locations in Joensuu during the summer 2024. In Heinävaara, we have also lupinus removal event. Help the biodiversity – earn a cool patch! Take your friends with you. 

  • Heinävaara lupinus: Thu 13.6.2024 klo 13:00-16:00

Himalayan balsam weedings (all events 5-7pm.):

  • Marjala: Wed 12.6. and Mon 24.6.
  • Noljakka: Thu 27.6., 4.7., and 11.7.
  • Karsikko: Tue 25.6. and 30.7.
  • Kuhasalo: Tue 2.7. and Mon 29.7.
  • Niinivaara: Wed 10.7. and Mon 5.8.
  • Hukanhauta: Wed 26.6. and 31.7.
  • Rantakylä: Thu 13.6., Wed 3.7. and Wed 24.7.
  • Mutala: Mon 17.6. and  Mon 22.7.

All events and info in English can be found from the link below: 

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ISYY's Club Meetings 

All meetings are held in ISYY's meeting room in Haltia-building, 2nd floor (Yliopistokatu 7) 

Mondays MtG Guild meeting 3 pm - 8 pm (last meetings 27.5 & 3.6)
Tuesdays Literary arts club LUOMIO! meeting 6 pm - 8 pm (last meeting 28.5.)
Wednesdays JOOJAKU meeting from 4pm to 8pm (last meeting 22.5.) 
Thursdays Joensuu Board Gamers meeting 3 pm - 8 pm (last meeting 6.6. - NB! Last meeting's meeting time is 1pm - 8pm )
Fridays ISYY Chess Club meeting 4 pm - 8 pm (last meeting 31.5.)


Information about Weekly Feed

This is an issue of Weekly Feed at Joensuu campus. Weekly Feed is the English language newsletter of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY). You are receiving this letter on your email because you are a member of ISYY and are studying at Joensuu campus or because you have joined the mailing list yourself. 

Weekly Feed provides you with current information on matters related to the Student Union, UEF or other organisations close to students, such as FSHS. In addition, the newsletter provides you with information on events taking place at campus or the campus city.

Weekly Feed is published on Tuesdays during the academic year, with the exception of holidays and a few other days. If you do not want to receive the newsletter anymore, you can unsubscribe the letter via the link (Click here to unsubscribe) located on the bottom of the letter. 

You will find more information on ISYY's newsletters  and privacy protection on ISYY's website.


Advertise your event in ISYY's newsletter Weekly Feed

If you would like to have something featured in the Weekly Feed, please send a short (max. 500 characters including spaces), informative advertisement of the event/activity in English to tiedotus@isyy.fi.

Please include at least the following information: date, time, place, admission fee and the event website/facebook page and a short description of the event. If you want to include pictures, the optimal size is 270 x 270 px.



Yliopistokatu 7, PL 111, 80100 Joensuu | Yliopistonranta 15, PL 1627, 70211 Kuopio 


Source of email information: the University of Eastern Finland student register


ISYY Data protection


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