The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland
The Representative Council of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) held its first meeting of the year on Sunday 4 February 2024. This meeting was the first actual meeting of the two-year-term 2024–2025 of the ISYY Council.
During the beginning of the year ISYY Executive Board has established two working groups, one to prepare the updating of ISYY’s Environmental Programme and one to prepare the updating of ISYY’s next three-year strategy. Term of both working groups is 2024. ISYY Council had a possibility to name their representatives for both working groups.
After the decision of ISYY Council, the composition of environmental working group is:
After the decision of ISYY Council, the composition of working group for strategy is:
According to ISYY Rules, under the ISYY Council operates a minimum of two Committees: Rules Committee and Finance Committee. In their meeting ISYY Council decided that they will not establish new committees for this term. ISYY’s Rules Committees task is to prepare changes in ISYY Rules and to give statements and binding regulatory interpretations. Finance Committee prepares financial matters in ISYY.
ISYY Council named the following persons to the Rules Committee:
ISYY Council named the following persons to the Finance Committee:
In the meeting ISYY Council also decided about the remuneration of the Council’s chairpersons, to correct the mistake in the action plan for this year and they also held a preliminary discussion on changing the procedure of electing the ISYY Executive Board. Additionally, ISYY Council re-decided a decision made last autumn about Student Representatives in UEF Administration. That decision was handled as confidential because of personal data safety.
The meeting minutes has been published in Finnish in Documents section. The next meeting of the ISYY Council will be held on 11 April.
Julia Lautala, Chair of the ISYY Council, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), epj(at), tel. +358 44 576 8404