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ISYY and UEF’s Wellbeing Week 2.-7.10.2023

Wellbeing Week will be held for the tenth time at the University of Eastern Finland from 2nd to 7th of October 2023. The aim of the Wellbeing Week is to offer UEF students and staff a wellbeing promoting program throughout the week.

Less sitting, more activity

This year, the theme of the week is to increase the number of breaks and activity in everyday life. Technological developments have increased the amount of sitting at work and in leisure time. In addition, distance learning and work have significantly reduced the amount of unconscious physical activity that takes place during the day, as there are no transfers from one place to another. Long periods of sitting and being sedentary have significant negative health effects. In addition, lack of physical activity has a negative impact on concentration and thus on learning. It is therefore important to pay attention to the amount of time you spend sitting still and how to reduce that amount of time.

During Wellbeing week, a variety of activities will be organised to increase the amount of breaks and movement in the day. For example The Finnish Kennel Club's Care dogs arrive to campuses, SYKETTÄ organises the traditional Sports aftenoon and the week ends with the day trip to the National Park of Tiilikkajärvi. Also ISYY will also share on Instagram the information on the health effects of excessive sitting and ways to reduce it. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the theme week, for the first time a WellbeingAppro will be organised. At the appro, participants collect stamps on their passes during the week from activities and other programs.

The week's activities are free of charge and some require pre-registration. Some activities are for students, some for staff and some for everyone. From the official event website isyy.fi/wellbeingweek you will find information about the program and offers for the whole week, and participation in the WellbeingAppro.

Read more:

Isyy.fi/en, opens in a new tab: Wellbeingweek 2023

Our partners during the Wellbeing week: UEF, SYKETTÄ Joensuu, SYKETTÄ Kuopio, FSHS, Compass Group, Hyvät Kuvat movie club ja Tukipilari.

More information:

Riina Pääkkönen, The BRIDGES Project Coordinator, The Student Union of University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), riina.paakkonen(at)isyy.fi, tel. +358 44 491 6529