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Election Announcement – The Representative Council Elections 2023

The elections for the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland’s (ISYY) Representative Council will be held as electronic elections in autumn 2023. Advance voting takes place on 31.10–3.11.2023 and the actual voting day is 8.11.2023.

The elected ISYY Representative Council, which consists of 39 members, forms the highest decision-making body of the Student Union. The elections take place every other year and all ISYY members, which include for example UEF degree students, can become candidates. The ISYY Council guides the Student Union’s operations by deciding, for instance, the amount of the membership fee, action plan for each year, finances and direction of the Student Union’s future. Every year, the ISYY Council appoints their Chairpersons as well as the Executive Board.

How to Become a Candidate?

You can join as a candidate on a candidate list established by you or someone else. Establishing a candidate list is easy and ISYY’s staff will help you if needed. The candidate applications must be submitted electronically or delivered to ISYY’s office by 5 October by 3 pm.

You can find the electronic forms under the Election Documents section on ISYY’s website. Printed forms can be found at the ISYY offices or you can print the forms yourself from ISYY’s website (found under the Elections section or from the Documents). The Election Documents section is linked below. More detailed instructions on how to become a candidate and the schedule of the elections are found in the Election announcement linked below. Please follow the given deadlines since ISYY does not accept documents that are delivered late.

Take a chance and become a candidate! By taking part in the ISYY Council elections, you can influence the most important matters of your student life and participate in decision-making.

How to establish a candidate list:

  1. Fill in the “announcement of the representative of the list” document either in electronic or paper form and deliver it to ISYY. ISYY adds the information of the candidate lists and their representatives to ISYY’s website during office hours. We recommend that you deliver the document to ISYY before the nomination of candidates ends so that students can find your list’s information. Please note that the Central Election Committee officially accepts the documents after the nomination period has ended.
  2. The representative of the candidate list receives notifications of new candidates to their list to the email address they’ve given on the “announcement of the representative of the list” document.
  3. The representative must confirm or reject the new candidates by replying to the email received from ISYY’s Coordinator of the Representative Council Elections.
  4. The representative must deliver the “suggestion for the candidate list” document (electronic or paper form) to ISYY by 5.10.2023 by 3 pm. The electronic document is signed via Visma Sign (requires strong identification). Please note that the electronic Visma Sign process needs to be completed before the nomination period ends. The paper form needs to be signed and delivered to ISYY’s office.
  5. Please notice, that if you are creating an electoral coalition of lists, that announcement is also signed via Visma Sign (requires strong identification).

How to nominate yourself as a candidate:

  1. Fill in the “candidate’s approval and assurance” document either in electronic or paper form and deliver it to ISYY
  2. You’ll receive a confirmation to your email after the Coordinator of Representative Council elections has processed your form. The confirmation is also sent to the representative of the candidate list since they have to approve your candidacy to their list. You do not need to reply to the confirmation. You’ll receive a notification also after the representative has approved your candidacy.
  3. The paper form needs to be signed and delivered to ISYY’s office and ISYY sends it to be accepted by the representative of your chosen list.
  4. All candidates should also fill in the electronic form via which the candidate can deliver information they want ISYY to add to the Candidate Gallery in Tuudo by 5.10. The Candidate Gallery in Tuudo is available for viewing from 11.10.2023 onwards.

Read More:

Isyy.fi, opens in a new tab: 2023 Election Announcement of the Representative Council Elections (pdf)

Isyy.fi, opens in a new tab: Election Documents

Isyy.fi, opens in a new tab: The Election Regulations

Isyy.fi, opens in a new tab: Representative Council Elections

More Information:

Wilma Poutanen, Chairperson of the Central Election Committee, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), kvl.pj(at)isyy.fi

Elina Pitkänen, Secretary for the Central Election Committee, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), kv.kuopio(at)isyy.fi, tel. +358 44 576 8413

Helena Kansanen, Secretary General, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), paasihteeri(at)isyy.fi, tel. +358 44 576 8417

Edited 9.8.2023: Instruction about signing the announcement of the electoral coalition of lists was added to the page.