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Call for Applicants: Student Representatives into FSHS delegation and Eastern Region Executive Board, Equality and Non-Discrimination Committee of the University of Eastern Finland, and Faculty Councils

In accordance with section 46 of the Universities Act, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland is a student union, which has a statutory duty to nominate student representatives to university bodies and to participate in the performance of duties referred to in the Act on Health Care for Higher Education Students. By law, the Student Union declares the following positions of trust open for application:

  • one (1) deputy representative in the FSHS delegation. Duration of positions of trust 1.1.2025 –31.12.2026
  • one (1) full representative in the FSHS Eastern Region Executive Board. Duration of positions of trust 1.1.2025 – 31.12.2026
  • one (1) deputy representative in the Equality and Non-Discrimination Committee of the University of Eastern Finland. Duration of positions of trust until 31.12.2025
  • three (3) deputy representatives in the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Philosophy. Duration of positions of trust until 31.12.2025
  • two (2) deputy representatives in the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Health Sciences. Duration of positions of trust until 31.12.2025

FSHS delegation

The Finnish Student Health Care Foundation acts as a provider of student health care services in accordance with the Act on Student Health Care (659/2019). According to its statutes, the purpose of the foundation is “to take care of universities and colleges... the health care of students, as well as to support and promote scientific research that in one way or another serves this purpose.

The Foundation has a delegation of 30 members, which appoints the Board of Directors responsible for the affairs of the Foundation and to whom the Board of the Foundation is accountable for its activities. Of the members of the delegation, 9 are appointed by the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and 7 of them on the proposal of the student unions. The student unions' representative shifts run alternately in accordance with the regulations approved by the SYL General Meeting in 2018. In the cycle starting at the beginning of 2025, the full member's seat will be held by a representative of the Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä (JYY) and a representative of ISYY will act as his/her deputy.

The FSHS delegation meets twice a year or when the chairperson of the delegation, the board of the foundation or if 1/3 of the members of the delegation so request.

  • At the spring meeting of the delegation, the financial statements for the past year will be discussed; the report of the Board of Directors and decisions are made on the measures resulting from them. 
  • The autumn meeting of the delegation discusses the Foundation's work plan and budget for the coming year; if possible, elect the chairman and vice-chair of the delegation and appoint any members of the Foundation's Board of Directors. 

The delegation meets in Helsinki. Members of the delegation shall be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred during the meeting by means of public transport. The working language of the delegation is Finnish.

FSHS Eastern Region Board

FSHS is organised into five service areas. Each of the five service areas has its own Board of Directors. The task of the regional board is to act as the coordinator of regional health work, act as a cooperative body between the Foundation's board and local health units, and handle additions, decreases and other measures affecting the operation of the region. However, the regional board does not take independent decisions and has no financial responsibility but is merely a cooperative body. 

In addition to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson, the Regional Executive Board shall consist of a minimum of six and a maximum of 8 members. The Eastern Region Board consists of four members representing students, two of whom are appointed by the region's student unions (JYY and ISYY) and two by the student unions operating in the area. The Regional Board shall meet at least twice a year. A meeting fee is paid for the meetings. The working language of the Regional Board is Finnish. 

For work in the delegation and in the regional board, ECTS may be awarded at the end of the term of office. 

Equality and Non-Discrimination Committee of the University of Eastern Finland

To promote equality and non-discrimination at the University of Eastern Finland, the Rector has appointed an Equality and Non-Discrimination Committee tasked with drawing up an equality and non-discrimination plan for the University of Eastern Finland and monitoring its implementation. In addition, the committee makes proposals and initiatives to the university's management on how equality could be presented at the university. Representatives of the employer, personnel and students are represented on the committee. A meeting fee is paid for the meetings of the Equality and Non-Discrimination Committee. 

The working language of the Equality and Non-Discrimination Committee is Finnish. If the native language of a member of the institution is not Finnish, participation in meetings can be made possible by translating the meeting documents into English and by using an interpreter. ECTS credits may be awarded for working in the committee after the term has ended. 

Read more:

Uef.fi, opens in a new tab: Equal and accessible university

The Faculty Councils

In accordance with section 27 of the Universities Act, the Faculty Council is the multi-member administrative body of a unit divided into the organisation of research and teaching at the university, in which professors, other research, teaching staff and other personnel are represented, and students.

According to Section 9 of the University Regulations, the duties of the Faculty Council are:

  • discuss and comment on the faculty's strategy and faculty budget
  • discuss and comment on the internal structure of the faculty insofar as the rector decides on the matter
  • decides, within the framework of educational responsibility, on the establishment and abolition of the major subject 
  • decide on curricula (including the principles of inclusion of studies completed at another higher education institution or educational institution) and degree requirements, as well as on the admission criteria for students, unless otherwise provided in these bylaws 
  • Rate dissertations 
  • consider the proposal for the professor's field of work and job description 
  • consider the proposal for the scope and job description of the four-tier career model for the faculty's teaching and research staff, permanent positions and positions on the tenure path 
  • decide on the granting of the title of docent 
  • give an honorary doctorate

Attendance at the meetings of the Faculty Council is subject to a meeting fee. In addition, after the term, a student who has worked in the Faculty Council may be awarded a maximum of 2 ECTS credits for participating in administrative and working group work.

The administrative language of the University of Eastern Finland is Finnish. In cases where the native language of a member of an institution is not Finnish, participation can be made possible by translating meeting documents into English and by enabling the use of an interpreter at meetings. 

Application and decision-making

Person having a right to complete bachelor’s or master’s degree, or licentiate or doctoral degree, or has alumni study right in the University of Eastern Finland, is qualified to apply for a position of this call for applicants. A person being in over 10 % employment relationship with the University is not qualified to apply to the university bodies as a student (University of Eastern Finland Election Regulations, Section 2).

Applications with justifications and possible CVs shall be submitted to the specialist of the Student Union Mikko Aaltonen via e-mail to address koso@isyy.fi by 12 pm (noon) on Monday 10 October 2024.

The decision on the persons elected is made by the ISYY's Board for the positions of trust of the university, and for the FSHS regional board. Regarding the FSHS delegation, the decision on the representative is made by the SYL Board on the proposal of the ISYY's Board. 

More info:

Mikko Aaltonen, Specialist in Educational and Social Politics Affairs, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), koso(at)isyy.fi, tel. +358 44 576 8414

Regarding the FSHS delegation: Henri Kontkin, Social Policy Adviser, the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL), henri.kontkin(at)syl.fi, tel. +358 40 413 4411