For Voters

The elections are not possible without ISYY members showing their interest in the elections and turning up to vote. Therefore, remember to take advantage of your right to vote and make sure your favourite candidate gets elected. Read on to find out how.

Reasons to Vote in the Representative Council Elections

The Representative Council elections are the most important elections of your time as a student. You get to choose the people who make decisions concerning the Student Union (ISYY) and the services that are offered to you as a member. For instance, the Representative Council determines the strategy of ISYY and the amount of the membership fee, and cooperates with the decision-making bodies of UEF.

If your own well-being and interests are important to you, choose the candidate who best represents your views and vote, because nobody else will do it for you!

How to Vote and when?

Voting in the 2023 elections is very easy and it takes place online. You can vote electronically in Tuudo anywhere! You can also vote electronically at the ISYY Election stand on campus.

Every member of the Student Union (ISYY) who has registered as present by 24 October 2023 at the University is eligible to vote in the Elections. Each person can vote only once and it is not possible to vote by proxy.

Where Can I Find the Candidates?

You can see the Candidate Lists on the ISYY website and on bulletin boards in October. If you do not know who to vote for, you can find your favourite candidate with the help of a Voting Aid Application.

Instructions for voting in 2023

Please read the instructions for electronic voting below.

Instructions for electronic voting

Advance voting for the 2023 Representative Council Elections of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) is open from 31 October to 7 November 2023. The actual election day is Wednesday 8 November 2023.

  • Advance Voting begins 31 October at 8:00 am
  • Advance Voting ends 7 November at 24:00 am (midnight)
  • Voting in the Election Day 8 November begins at 00:01 am
  • Voting in the Election Day 8 November ends at 6:00 pm

Every student who has paid the ISYY membership fee for autumn 2023 and registered as present student for the autumn semester in UEF by 24 October 2023 is entitled to vote once in the elections. Voting by proxy is not allowed in the elections.

The candidate lists can be found on our website and on campus bulletin boards. You can also find the candidates in the Tuudo app or via your web browser under "Candidate Gallery" (see voting instructions below). The Voting aid application intended to help voters find a suitable candidate and highlight important topics will open on 25 October on the ISYY webpage.

Voting in the elections is entirely electronic and happens via Tuudo (app or browser). You can vote on your own device when it suits you.

You can access the voting system either via the Tuudo app or via a web browser at vaalit.tuudo.fi.

Voting in the Tuudo app:

1. The student logs into the Tuudo application with their HAKA ID.  

2. The student looks for the page ‘Representative Council Elections’ in the side menu of the application.

3. From the ‘Representative Council Elections’ page, the student clicks on the button ‘Go to Elections’ and enters the Elections view.

4. The student clicks on the button ‘ISYY Representative Council Election 2023’ in the main view.

5. Two tabs will appear in the view: 'Voting' and 'Candidate Gallery'.

6. In the ‘Candidate Gallery’, the student can get to know the candidates who are running for election.

7. On the ‘Vote’ tab, the student searches for the candidate they want to vote for and clicks on the candidate's name to vote.

8. The application asks the student if they are sure about their choice. The student answers ‘sure’ if they want to confirm their choice, or ‘not sure’ if they do not want to vote for the selected candidate.

9. After confirming the choice, the vote is registered and the election view indicates that the student has already voted in this election.

10. Thank you for voting!

Voting in the web browser:

1. The student opens the webpage vaalit.tuudo.fi in the browser. Site language can be changed from the world icon in the top right corner.

2. The student selects the institution ‘University of Eastern Finland’ from the menu.

3. The student logs on to the website with their UEF ID (HAKA).

4. The student clicks on the button ‘ISYY Representative Council Election 2023’ in the main view.

5. Two tabs will appear in the view: 'Voting' and 'Candidate Gallery'.

6. In the ‘Candidate Gallery’, the student can get to know the candidates who are running for election.

7. On the ‘Vote’ tab, the student searches for the candidate they want to vote for and clicks on the candidate's name to vote.

8. The application asks the student if they are sure about their choice. The student answers ‘sure’ if they want to confirm their choice, or ‘not sure’ if they do not want to vote for the selected candidate.

9. After confirming the choice, the vote is registered and the election view indicates that the student has already voted in this election.

10. Thank you for voting!