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Representative Council elections 2023 campaigning days and electoral panels on campuses

Fri Sep 15 15:33:00 2023

The Representative Council elections of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) will be held on 8 November 2023. Advance voting for the elections will take place between 31 October and  November 2023. The actual voting day is the election day 8 November 2023.

During the Representative Council elections, candidate lists and candidates have the opportunity to present their activities and campaign in the university's facilities at pre-announced times on the Joensuu and Kuopio campuses. You can meet the representative lists and candidates according to the schedules below. You will also find the ISYY Representative Council elections information point on campaigning days.

Campaign dates of candidate lists

On the campaigning days of the candidate lists, the lists for the ISYY elections can campaign and present their activities before the closing of the candidate list. Nomination of candidates ends on 5 October 2023 at 3 pm.

Note! The lists of candidates must register for the campaigning days using the form below, so that we can prepare for each campaigning day with sufficient scope. Tables have been reserved for the campaign, and can be borrowed from the cart found in the lobby. Please return the tables back to their place after the campaign.


  • 26.9.2023 from 10 am to 2 pm, Carelia lobby
  • 28.9.2023 from 10 am to 2 pm, Carelia lobby

Google Forms, opens in a new window: Regristration for campaign days Joensuu


  • 26.9.2023 from 10 am to 2 pm, Snellmania lobby (1st floor)
  • 28.9.2023 from 10 am to 2 pm, Snellmania lobby (1st floor)

Google Forms, opens in a new window: Registration for campaign days Kuopio

Candidates' campaign days

The candidates' campaigning days will be organised when the nomination of candidates for the ISYY elections has ended and the lists of candidates have been announced. Come and ask the candidates for their opinion on matters that are important for you, and find a suitable candidate and a list for you. You will find the campus-specific campaigning days of the candidates below.

The first campaigning day will be organised in connection with ISYY's Association Days, which means that Carelia and Snellmania will also have a lot of other activities at the same time!

Note! Candidates must register for the campaigning days using the forms below, so that we can prepare for each campaigning day with sufficient scope. Tables have been reserved for the campaign, and they can be borrowed from the cart found in the lobby. Please return the tables back to their place after the campaign.

For the first day of campaigning, 11 October, participants must register by 9.10. at 12 pm (noon) because of the ISYY's Association days being held at the same time. Please visit the ISYY's election info stand, when you arrive at the place, and you’ll receive detailed instructions.


  • 11.10.2023, from 10 am to 2 pm, Carelia lobby
  • 12.10.2023, from 10 am to 2 pm, Carelia lobby
  • 24.10.2023, from 10 am to 2 pm, Carelia lobby
  • 26.10.2023, from 10 am to 2 pm, Carelia lobby

Google Forms, opens in a new window: Ilmoittautuminen Joensuun kampanjointipäiviin


  • 11.10.2023, from 10 am to 2 pm, Snellmania lobby (1st floor)
  • 12.10.2023, from 10 am to 2 pm, Snellmania lobby (1st floor)
  • 24.10.2023, from 10 am to 2 pm, Snellmania lobby (1st floor)
  • 26.10.2023, from 10 am to 2 pm, Snellmania lobby (1st floor)

Google Forms, opens in a new window: Ilmoittautuminen Kuopion kampanjointipäiviin

Electoral panels

ISYY's Representative Council elections panel discussions for candidates will be held according to the schedule below in Joensuu, Carelia lobby, and in Kuopio, Snellmania lobby, before the Advance Voting begins. Come and listen to the electoral panel and find out what the candidates from the different lists think about themes that are important to students. The Candidate Lists for the Representative Council elections will be informed about the registration to the election panels after the nomination of candidates has ended.


  • 24.10.2023, from 12 pm (noon) to 1 pm, Carelia lobby


  • 25.10.2023,  from 12 pm (noon) to 1 pm, Snellmania lobby (first floor)

Read more:, opens in a new tab: Representative Council Elections, opens in a new tab: For Candidates, opens in a new tab: Election Calendar, opens in a new tab: Election Announcement, opens in a new tab: Election Advertising Guidelines

Futher information:

Wilma Poutanen, Chairperson of the Central Election Committee, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), kvl.pj(at)

Elina Pitkänen, Secretary for the Central Election Committee, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), kv.kuopio(at), tel. +358 44 576 8413

Kia Duché, Coordinator of the Representative Council elections, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), vaalikoordinaattori(at), tel. + 358 44 576 8450