Make an Impact

Find out more about ISYY's new Environmental Programme!

Fri Jan 24 08:15:00 2025

The Environmental Programme of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) is a document that guides environmentally friendly practices in the Student Union. The Programme sets clear goals and concrete measures for the continuous development of the Student Union’s eco-friendliness.

According to the key objectives of the Environmental Programme, ISYY is an environmentally responsible organisation that operates in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and follows the Environmental Programme in all its activities. ISYY raises awareness of environmental issues through its communication and activities, encouraging its members and stakeholders to act in alignment with the same values. Lastly, ISYY is an active environmental advocate that promotes environmental matters actively through stakeholder cooperation.

Actions that we do for the environment are, for example, as follows:

  • ISYY will create a plan to calculate and minimise the carbon footprint
  • We primarily buy eco-labelled, vegan, local and ethically produced food and beverages for events and meetings
  • When traveling, we are committed to reduce the environmental impact of travel by using public transport whenever possible
  • ISYY offers its employees incentives for active and eco-friendly commuting
  • We will improve the recycling bin situation in our facilities
  • The electricity we buy should at least come from renewable sources

The Environmental Programme for 2025–2028 was approved at the Representative Council meeting on 26 November 2024.

You can get to know ISYY's Environmental Programme in our material bank. The link is below.

Read more:, opens in a new tab: Environmental Programme 2025–2028 (PDF)