Invoicing Information

This page is meant to be forwarded to a company delivering an invoice to ISYY, preferably as a link.

ISYY's primary invoicing format is e-invoice. If e-invoicing is not possible, the invoice must be sent according to the instructions given on this page to the scanning service via by email.

Electronic Invoices

Invoicing address of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland is:

Information of the Organisation

Name: Itä-Suomen yliopiston ylioppilaskunta
Business ID: 2299016-4
Electronic invoicing address: 003722990164

NB! It is always required to announce the name of the contact person, event or a club as a reference information. 

Operator information

Operator options

Operator ID ('välittäjän tunnus')

  • If your e-invoice is forwarded by an operator, e.g. Itella, Basware etc. the operator ID is 003721291126
  • If your e-invoice is forwarded by a bank, e.g. Nordea, Osuuspankki etc. the operator ID is DABAFIHH

NB! If you send pictures or any other attachments with an eletcronic invoice, those are accepted only in PDF format.

Maventa Oy operates as the electronic invoice operator of the Student Union.

If an E-invoice is Not an Option

The invoice must be send with adress information via email to the scanning service:

  • invoice-22990164(at)kollektor.fi


Itä-Suomen yliopiston ylioppilaskunta
P.O. Box 100
80020 Kollektor Scan

Notice These When Sending an Invoice

  • Business ID has to be written without hyphen into the address fields of every invoice
  • Use only black colour in texts
  • Do not send any advertisements or other material into this address, only invoices
  • Announce the name of the contact person and event or a club name as a reference information.

More Information:

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland
Erja Leinonen
+358 44 5768423