
Grant Applications

Every year ISYY awards general grants to student associations. The purpose of the general grant is to financially secure the functioning of the association. Copying quotas (100 black and white prints) are automatically granted to all student associations as they apply for the general grant. 

The purpose of the project grant is to financially support Student Association or Campus Association projects. The project grant should be used to cover project costs, but not to bring financial profit to the association in question.

ISYY clubs can apply for club grants to cover project or material costs for the club. 

Project grants and club grants are applicable throughout the year. 

The application period for the general grants will be advertised via the ISYY communication channels. For more information about the grants, contact the membership services specialist in Joensuu or the organisational affairs specialist in Kuopio. 

General Grants

  • The application period takes place once a year in November.
  • The grant application is submitted via an electronic form. The application should be supplemented with relevant attachments.
  • The application period will be advertised primarily on the ISYY website, and secondarily in ISYY’s other communication channels.
  • General grants are applicable for Student Associations that have been approved and listed by ISYY, or those which are waiting to be approved to the Student Associations’ list. 
  • NB! ISYY Clubs cannot apply for the General Grants. Instead, Clubs are entitled to apply for club funding annually. ISYY Clubs will be notified about the application period for club funding via e-mail during the autumn semester.

Project Grants

  • Projects grants are applicable throughout the year. 
  • The grant application is submitted via an electronic form. The application should be supplemented with relevant attachments.
  • Instructions for applying the project grant can be found from the Documents-section on ISYY’s website. 
  • Project grants can be applied and awarded in the form of financial support, free use of ISYY venues, or a copying quota. 
  • Project grants can be applied for nonreccurring or pilot projects. 
  • The application period will be advertised primarily on the ISYY website, and secondarily in ISYY’s other communication channels.
  • Once the project has been completed, the association is obligated to deliver a report of the project to the Student Union. If the association in question fails to send the report, the grant will not be awarded.

Internationalisation Grant

ISYY gives out grants for student associations, campus associations and ISYY clubs for international activities every year. The application period is in the beginning of each year and ISYY publishes a separate call for this grant. ISYY prefers to give the grant to projects that focus on long-term goals and promotion of internationalisation among the student body. Please note that you cannot receive this grant for projects that have already received this grant in the past.

The project must include at least 3 of the requirements mentioned below in addition to promoting internationalisation:

  • repeatable and reproducible by other associations and clubs
  • sustainable long-term
  • environmentally friendly
  • innovative and creative
  • take both degree students and exchange students into account.
  • interdisciplinary and cooperative activities between different associations and clubs.

Associations or clubs that have received the grant for their internationalisation project are required to file a report to ISYY evaluating the activity’s success. The report has to be sent to ISYY by the beginning of December. ISYY will give instructions and a report model based on which the association or club can write their own report. Activity plans and reports will be published on ISYY’s website, where they are available as models and framework for other associations or clubs to use.

Open grant applications Continous application for a Project Grant to Student and Campus Associations Continous application for a Club Grant

More information Contact Us: Staff Contact Information

Read more Documents: Instructions for making a project grant application Documents: Request for payment: project grant application