Free time activities

Apply for Credits for Elected Offices Held in 2018

Mon Feb 11 22:19:00 2019

By the decision of the academic rector of the University of Eastern Finland (Dnro 297/12.00.01/2016), UEF students may be granted 1-2 credits for Student Organization or Club activities. Additionally, students can earn 1-4 credits for Student Organization activities if they a) implement a large project or b) distinguish themselves in Student Organization activities.

Additionally, by the decision of the academic rector of the University of Eastern Finland (297/12.00.01/2016), UEF students may be granted 1-3 credits for participating in administrative work or working groups. A maximum of 5 credits may be granted for Student Organization and working group activities and a maximum of 10 credits for participating in administrative work and working groups. However, a maximum of 10 credits may be granted for all elected offices.

Students apply for credits for Student Organization and working group activities by registering on the course 1131008 and administrative and working group activities on the course 1131006 on the Moodle platform. Credits for elected offices can be granted only once; if you continue to hold an office in 2019, it is advisable to apply for credits when the activities end.

Preconditions for receiving credits for elected offices are an impeccable working record, participating in ISYY’s organization training and completing the required assignments on Moodle. Additional information is available on Moodle. The required assignments must be submitted on Moodle by 11:55 pm Sunday 17 February 2019. Late applications will not be processed.

More information:

Mikko Aaltonen, Specialist of Academic and Social Affairs (Kuopio), the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. 044 576 8414,

Pekka Koivaara, Secretary for Interest Advocacy (Joensuu), the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. 044 576 8465,