Become a Student Representative

Student representatives in the UEF administration, called Hallopeds in Finnish, are students who participate in decision-making within the different bodies of the University.

Hallopeds are full members of the decision-making bodies. 
Hallopeds represent students, look after their interests and make sure that the student perspective is always taken into account in UEF decision-making. 

Hallopeds have an important role in ensuring a good flow of communication between students and the UEF administration, departments and faculties.

UEF Administration

The UEF administration follows the conventions of representative democracy, which means that each unit is entitled to decide about their own matters within the limits of the allocated budget and resources. The UEF administration functions according to the tripartite principle, which means that their representation consists of: 

  • Professors 
  • Members of research and teaching staff, as well as other staff members 
  • Students 

The representation of any of these three groups cannot be more than 50 per cent of the total number of representatives in one decision-making body.

Halloped Seats in the UEF Administration

The term of each administrative body at UEF is four years. However, the term of office for Hallopeds is two years, which means that new Hallopeds are elected every second year.

According to law, ISYY must make sure that Student Representatives are appointed in the following decision-making bodies: 

  • The UEF Board 
  • The University Collegiate Body 
  • Faculty Councils, which are the directorates in charge of evaluating and developing both research and teaching within the faculties
  • The Board of Appeal

Also, ISYY has a student representation for example in

  • Committee of equality
  • Research-Ethical committee
  • FSHS eastern area steering committee
  • FSHS delegation

Hallopeds are elected by the Representative Council of the Student Union in the beginning of the term. If a Halloped resigns during the term, for example, due to their graduation, The Representative Council will elect a new student representative for the UEF Board and Collegiate Body.

However, in the case that the resignation of a Faculty Council or Board of Appeal member happens during the term, their replacements can be elected by the Executive Board of ISYY.

Halloped positions, as well as other positions of trust, are advertised on the website and other communication channels of ISYY, whenever they become available.

Please contact the Hallopeds of your own faculty if you have any questions related to decisions, policies or procedures within your faculty or department. You can also contact the Interest Advocacy Team of ISYY, who will be happy to help you with any of your inquiries. 

How to Become a Halloped

Student representatives in administration, i.e. Hallopeds, are regular students who are there to make sure that the student perspective is always taken into account in UEF decision-making, and that their interests are being looked after.

The Halloped application periods will be advertised on the website and via ISYY communication channels. Every Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or postgraduate student and also a person who has a continued right to study and has registered as present at the University is able to apply to become a Halloped.

After the term of office has ended, it is possible to claim 1–10 credit point (ECTS) for acting as a student representative in administration.

UEF Administrative Bodies

UEF Board

The UEF Board is the highest decision-making body in the University. The Board’s core responsibilities include: 

  • Appointing the Rector and Academic Rector of UEF
  • Determining the goals, strategy and budget of UEF 
  • Accepting the regulations that direct the actions of the University
  • Deciding on the number of students accepted into the University each year

The UEF Board positions are filled according to the tripartite principle. Additionally, at least 40 per cent of the Board members must come from outwith the University, and have a wide-ranging understanding of the research activity and teaching at the University, as well as hold an influential role in society.  At present, the UEF Board consists of ten members; two professors, two staff members, two students and four people from outwith the University. 

University Collegiate Body

The University Collegiate Body monitors the work of the UEF Board. The Collegiate Body’s core responsibilities include: 

  • Selecting the UEF Board members from outwith the University 
  • Approving the Board members selected by the University community  
  • Deciding on the dismissals from the Board 
  • Verifying the financial statements of the University 
  • Deciding on possible actions for damages raised against the Board 

Faculty Councils

There are four faculties in the University of Eastern Finland:   

  • The Philosophical Faculty
  • The Faculty of Health Sciences  
  • The Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies 
  • The Faculty of Science and Forestry

The Faculty Councils are the highest decision-making bodies within the faculties, and their core responsibilities include: 

  • Making proposals for appointments to Professorships 
  • Determining the responsibilities and tasks of Professors 
  • Deciding on the budget of the faculty
  • Determining the curriculum

Student representatives is called next time to two-year term at fall 2025 so be prepared to monitor ISYY's communication channels!

More information: ISYY interest advocacy spesialist in Kuopio and Joensuu