The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland
It is a statutory duty of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) to take care of the duties enacted in section 46 of the Universities Act (558/2009). A more specific purpose of member data processing is to take care of services provided to ISYY’s members, invoicing and to design as well as develop ISYY’s actions.
Processing is based on Article 6 of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation. More spesific reasons for personal data processing are:
Decision-making is automated when
Automated decision-making is possible without profiling and vice versa. However, a single processing activity can involve both, depending on factors such as the data being used. Decisions that are not based on automated processing alone can also involve profiling.
Profiling means the automated processing of personal data for evaluating the personal aspects of an individual. In particular, profiling refers to the analysis or prediction of aspects concerning the data subject's performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences or interests, reliability or behaviour as well as location or movements.
ISYY does not use automated decision-making or profiling.